Baskets, Baskets, Baskets
Baskets with handle, baskets with lids. Cane baskets, deep baskets, picnic baskets and baskets for dirty washing. We as New Zealander's love baskets. Baskets have so many different uses. There are practical uses but what about using your imagination and using baskets in creative ways.
Here are a few ways which could inspire you.
1.Use a basket to hold a plant. Place one beside your coffee table, a small basket on a corner unit or a large cane basket on the ground by the front door.

2. Flat, open sided baskets commonly used to gather flowers. Why not use them beside your fire place to display fire wood or pine cones. The openness of the basket allows you to arrange the wood with ease.
3. Don't have storage on your bathroom. Why not hang a few soft baskets up and fill them with rolled up towels, toilet rolls or dried flowers.
4. Baskets can be a fun way to hold crafts, pens or to display kitchen items, condiments even bathroom necessities.
Don’t wait get started and basket up your house today.