Calling All Spoon Collectors- Who Knew How Many Different Types of Spoons there are?
Let’s just say I didn't know how many different types of spoons were out there until I started looking through our cutlery stock. So i did some research.
The most common spoons you see include teaspoons, collectable spoons, wooden spoons, soup spoons and table spoons.
But there are spoons dedicated just to eggs. With a short handled and shallow bowl, the user can retrieve every inch of egg out of the shell.
Grapefruit spoons which are always popular. Similar to a teaspoon a grapefruit spoon has a serrated edge to help separate rind from flesh. But be careful they can do some damage to your hands if you’re not watching.
Dessert spoons are always welcome in my house with round edges and a slightly pointed tip allows you to grab that last piece of meringue or that tricky slice of kiwi fruit at the bottom of your bowl.
There are purposely made spoons for jam, mother of pearl caviar spoons, silver mustard spoons and coffee spoons. These are designed to scoop the perfect amount of these tasty treats.
Bigger spoons include soup ladles, serving spoons for vegetables and bowed tureen spoons.
Baby spoons come in very handy when children start solids. Baby spoons and feeders have a sideways grip to help with those messy moments.
Other spoons include measuring spoons, long handled parfait spoons, oval wooden salt spoons, bartender spoons, slotted spoons for scooping pasta, ceramic Chinese spoons and salad spoons.
Over 23 different types of spoons with so many uses and functions.
What is your collection missing?